Entering treatment for drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult decisions that one can make in life; from admitting that addiction cannot be mastered alone to removing oneself from life to enter inpatient treatment and beyond, this commitment means a major life shift and a return to a life that is vastly different than before.
Life after inpatient treatment
Most people who choose addiction treatment enter an inpatient treatment program that lasts anywhere from thirty to ninety days. During this time, the patient goes through medical detox, prescription medication protocol, and a number of various emotional and behavioral therapies to ensure that they can get to the root cause of their addictive behavior, work to change patterns, and return to a sober life once more. For many people, the combination of inpatient treatment, outpatient therapies, and the love and support of family and friends is enough to get them on the road to recovery. For others, additional assistance is needed for them to overcome their addiction challenges. A halfway house is an excellent addition to a treatment protocol and should be considered as an extra measure of insurance against relapse.
What is a halfway house?
A halfway house is a group home that is free of drugs and alcohol, specifically used to house people who have recently been discharged from recovery programs. They act as a buffer between the protective environment of treatment and the harsh realities and trappings of the real world. Depending on cost, house rules, and state regulations, an individual can stay as little as thirty days to up to a year or more in sober house living, earing independence little by little and building supportive relationships that will sustain healthier habits they can sustain after leaving.
How is a halfway house different from treatment?
While the halfway house environment encourages ongoing services such as medical care and various therapies, they are more loosely structured to facilitate social development and a return to employment. In halfway house living, you are free to come and go as you please—-you would leave for work, family obligations, and social engagements, as long as you adhere to the house rules. House rules are either set by the participants themselves or a residential manager that oversees the day to day operations of the home.
Some common house rules in effect in halfway homes include:
- Refraining from substance abuse
- Refraining from emotional, verbal, or physical abuse or violence
- Adding to the community by taking on certain chores
- Assisting others in meeting their recovery goals
It is important that all halfway house residents adhere to these rules, for any failure to do so by other residents can hinder your own recovery. Failure to follow house rules will result in disciplinary action or even release from the program.
How does halfway house living help the recovery process?
Having a stable living environment is part of emotional and physical well being. In some cases, someone struggling with addiction may not be able to go back to a stable living space, and more work is needed before entering life’s challenges that may have led to addiction in the first place.
Additional help and support are available to those who participate in halfway house living, including:
- Medical and nutritional counseling
- Participation in emotional and behavioral therapies
- The opportunity to build relationships with others and facilitate healing of damaged relationships while receiving treatment
With this additional help and support, a patient will be more likely to resist triggers and temptations that will inevitably come their way when they return once again to life on the outside.
How much does halfway house living cost?
While the cost of living in a halfway house can vary by location and amenities offered, the cost usually mimics that of a moderately priced rental apartment. In some cases, your medical insurance will help to subsidize the cost of sober living; check with your insurance company to see what your options are, and ask if there are programs in your area that offer assistance with this type of program.
Am I the right candidate for sober living?
If you have been through treatment and feel you need more support, or if you are committed to giving yourself the best opportunity for health and healing, then you are an excellent candidate for a halfway house stay. You deserve to have vibrant health and healing once more, as well as the chance to create a quality life. Begin to investigate programs in your area, and get excited about the new lease on life that will be yours as a result of getting the healing you deserve. Call us today at 954-523-1167.