Battling an addiction can be a challenge. An important part of recovery is forming connections with others who are striving to stay clean and sober. Alcoholics have a worldwide fellowship called Alcoholics Anonymous or AA.
AA has helped millions of alcoholics stay sober. But what if something happened that there weren’t any AA meeting? What if your family commitments or job responsibilities conflict with all the available meetings?
What if your lack of transportation makes getting to a meeting virtually impossible? Are there other ways to maintain sobriety with AA meetings? Despite being an excellent program, there are things you can do to stay sober other than meetings.
Develop a Support System
This is one of the big things that AA meeting goers have access. AA meetings offer a source for like-minded people who are working a recovery program. However, you can also develop a support system beyond just recovery fellowships.
There are thousands of stories about alcoholics and drug addicts who found other places to establish a recovery support system. Some go to church, while others become involved in other activities. In the age of the Internet, there are hundreds of online recovery support groups.
The key is to find a source of support for your recovery and use it. One of the tools suggested at AA meetings is to get phone numbers. You can do this with people who are not even in recovery.
When you sense problems arising that could challenge your sobriety, use this support system no matter who they are. One of the most common suggestions heard at AA meetings is to reach out to people. Actually, you can do this even without AA.
Develop Your Healthy and Fitness
One of the many symptoms of alcoholism and drug addiction is low self-esteem. A way to help rebuild a lost sense of self-worth, or improve your own vision for yourself, is to do things that make you healthy. Exercise is a natural way to improve your health, plus it triggers good emotional feelings.
One thing you won’t do at an AA meeting is exercise, other than your patience sometimes. Starting or growing a fitness plan can also provide a diversion to drinking or drugging. Working towards a healthier lifestyle doesn’t require much.
You can exercise at home and make a concerted effort to eat healthier. As you gradually improve your health, your self-esteem will follow. Eventually a drink or a drug will simply not be an option because of your newfound healthy ambitions.
Keep a journal
Healthy habits don’t only include exercise and diet. There are healthy things you can do to help foster your emotional well-being as well. One of those is to journal. Journaling can be an avenue to help relax your mind during troubled and anxious times.
A journal can also prove to be a useful tool to review your feelings and emotions. Sometimes writing in your journal will be what you need, while other times you can review past entries. These past words can help you appreciate the progress you’re making in your recovery.
Avoid Relapse Triggers
Sometimes knowing that an AA meeting is on your schedule can help you stay sober, especially during early sobriety. But what if there isn’t a meeting for days? One of the fastest ways to lose your valuable sobriety is to ignore how powerful relapse triggers can be.
Relapse triggers can be as subtle as driving past the convenience store on your way home from school or work. As part of your journaling, make a page for things that trigger you to want to drink or use drugs. Review them frequently.
But most of all learn how to avoid them. There is an amusing saying that if you go into a barbershop enough times, you’ll eventually get a haircut. If you’re trying to recover from an alcohol addiction, going to your favorite pub or nightclub is probably a poor idea.
Alcoholics Anonymous has helped millions of people recover from alcoholism and other substance abuse issues. However, the popular fellowship is not a one-and-only way to work a recovery program. If you’ve never tried an AA meeting, by all means, explore the possibilities.
Nevertheless, you can also build a recovery plan that does not include meetings. Establish a support group and make lifestyle changes to help you avoid relapse triggers. A great way to build a recovery program that can help keep you sober is to complete a treatment program.
If you feel you have a problem with drugs or alcohol, this can be a smart decision. All you have to do is reach out for help. A treatment program will provide you with tools and guidance for your recovery that may or may not involve AA meetings.
A new life without drugs or alcohol has to begin with you. Pick up the phone and speak with a trained and caring specialist. Make the call today at 954-523-1167, because tomorrow might be too late.