When you complete a drug or alcohol addiction recovery program, you are not typically turned loose and left to your own devices. The medical and therapeutic team assigned to your care at the facility have a vested interest in making sure that you continue on your path to sobriety.
To help you remain sober, they can arrange for you to transition to and live in a sober living facility in your community. Before you move there, it is critical that you understand what it will be like and what is expected of you. You can use this guide to living sober in Fort Lauderdale to ensure your success once you exit your addiction recovery program.
Remaining Drug and Alcohol-free
When you transition into a sober living house, you will be expected to follow strict rules about avoiding all use of drugs and alcohol. There will be 24-hour a day staff on hand to monitor your compliance. These sober living staff may even inspect your room or administer regular drug and alcohol tests to make sure that you are not using again. You will not be allowed to bring in liquor like beer or wine into the home. You also are expected to avoid contact with drug dealers, friends and family members who use or drink. Even the use of your prescription medication will be closely monitored. If your doctor prescribes you a medication, he or she will need to gain the agreement of the sober living program director first.
This constant monitoring and supervision is not intended to punish you, however. It is designed to remove any temptation that you have to return to your former habits. The staff at the sober living house, like that at your recovery program, have a vested interest in seeing you succeed at remaining sober. They do not want you to relapse and go back to using drugs or alcohol. If you fail to comply with the drug and alcohol-free living rules or submit to regular drug and alcohol use testing, you could be removed from the house. The staff may also contact your probation officer or officer of the court to report your non-compliance.
Participation in and Contribution to Family-style Living
When you move into the sober living house, you will be expected to participate in and contribute to a family-style lifestyle. Everyone in the house will have assigned chores each day, for example. You will be expected to help with tasks like:
- Cooking
- Cleaning
- Taking out the garbage
- Laundry
- Yard work
You also will be responsible for making your bed each morning and keeping your room clean. Failure to do your chores or contribute to the upkeep and function of the house can result in you being removed from it. Non-compliance can also be reported to your probation officer, attorney or another person from the court who is in charge of overseeing your completion of the program.
You also will be expected to get and maintain a job while you live there. Depending on your particular situation, you may need to work at least part-time. Part-time work is appropriate if you are enrolled in an outpatient recovery or partial hospitalization program or if you undergo regular therapy treatments with a therapist from your addiction recovery facility. However, if you do not receive these services, you will be expected to work full-time. You also will need to use part of the money that you earn to pay rent at the sober living house, help pay for utilities and contribute toward the house’s weekly grocery expenses. If you quit your job or fail to get one, you will not be allowed to participate in the program.
Finishing a drug or alcohol addiction recovery program does not necessarily mean that you are ready to go back to regular society. You need to work your way back gradually to ensure your best chances of remaining sober. You can further your chances of success as a recovering drug addict or alcoholic by moving into a sober living house. Living in this house can teach you how to become a productive, responsible and sober member of society again.
When you are ready to take this step toward recovery, you can reach out to us anytime. We always have experienced and empathetic program counselors available to you to answer your questions. When you are ready to get started, call us today at 954-523-1167.