When an individual stops abusing drugs or alcohol, it doesn’t imply that they have thwarted all their problems. Stopping substance abuse is the initial step in the long journey to full addiction recovery. Folks who abstain from alcohol/drugs without reaping sobriety will have difficulty getting real-life enjoyment. They could easily relapse since their recovery could mimic their alcoholic life.
Sobriety alludes to more than abstaining from drugs and alcohol. People who recommend the twelve-step technique see sobriety as a way of being addiction-free and moving towards complete emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical health. Abstinence can be forced on an individual, but sobriety is a long-haul commitment that calls for personal effort. Keep reading for more insight into why sobriety is a lifelong process.
Uncomfortable change
Most people don’t understand the road to sobriety is uncomfortable since its ‘unknown.’ Addiction is ‘known’ because it keeps you within the same place, with the same emotions, and in the same state for as long as you live in it. It comes with predictable consequences that culminate in a comfortable culture. When going through the sobriety process, everything seems uncomfy. Everything feels strange since you’re viewing the world from a sober angle. During the onset of sobriety, you’ll constantly reevaluate life and think about ‘what next?’
You’re uncertain about whether you’ll be successful in living a sober life. In most cases, we have made a myriad of poor choices, thanks to our addiction that reduces our self-worth or confidence we have within us in making the ‘right’ decisions. You need to restore your self-worth to move forward and create a worthwhile life. Remember, recovery is scary; accept it and work your way through it.
Addiction Impacts the Brain
Addiction physically changes how your brain functions. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, most drugs mimic the brain’s communication system; thus, they send abnormal messages to your mind and the rest of your body. The messages can overstimulate the brain’s pleasure center causing dependence and tolerance. When this happens, the brain requires a higher amount of the drug to stay normal. With time, the brain physically transforms to accommodate substances; thus, users become addicted.
Since drugs or alcohol can alter the brain, it can be challenging to refrain from using substances. It’s imperative for users to enroll in rehab and deter centers while avoiding drugs in the future. Even a single drug-use can make the brain revert to its previous patterns, making users relapse to addiction. Although relapse may be a setback during sobriety, it’s not a failure. It’s a chance to adjust and reevaluate an individual’s focus on commitment.
Dry Drunk Condition
Dry drunks are individuals who abstain from drugs and other substances but still maintain their drunken behavior. Although they are not using alcohol or other substances, they are a long way from recovery. It’s common to hear folks who haven’t tasted alcohol in ages but haven’t been able to achieve sobriety. These individuals are resentful and bitter regarding their abstinence and appear not to enjoy life despite stopping alcohol and drug abuse. People stuck in the sobriety process end up as dry drunks. The first stages of being addiction free entail various hurdles that have to be dealt with. Previous substance users have poor coping aptitudes for facing life. New strategies need to develop during sobriety through confronting challenges and overcoming them.
Some could struggle with remaining sober since they don’t get adequate help to stay sober. Substance users should consider all the resources they require to achieve sobriety, such as psychologists, therapists, or sponsors. They should also be wary not to succumb to perfectionism. No one handles recovery perfectly, and the most significant thing is to get back on track after a relapse and work on self-forgiveness. Most individuals who become sober admit that it wouldn’t have been possible without their support team’s help.
Some days are more complicated than others, and users will require friends, therapists, and family to lift them. Attaining sobriety involves growing, learning, and combating challenges with a positive attitude. If you or your loved one is considering addiction recovery, contact us now on 954-523-1167. Our admissions officers will tackle your queries on recovery and addiction. They may also identify a top-notch rehab program to kickstart the recovery process.