Aftercare is essential for an addict to continue on the path of sobriety for life. So what does aftercare look like? Well, it’s not one-size-fits-all, but it involves support groups, psychotherapy, sober living dwellings (like halfway houses), and outpatient therapy.
The longer an addict stays sober, the more likely they will not only remain sober but also lead a normal, productive life. Addicts often overlook aftercare because it isn’t as fun as a high rush. However, those that find something positive to do with their time after treatment are far more likely to stay clean and sober than those who don’t. This article will explore why aftercare is so important and what it looks like.
The Importance of Aftercare After Rehab
Aftercare is vital because it assists people in maintaining their sobriety. When an addict goes through a treatment program, they are taught the best ways to stay sober, such as identifying and avoiding triggers, rebuilding relationships with family and friends, and finding a purpose in life. Knowing where to go once they finish treatment is important so that these lessons don’t fall by the wayside.
Aftercare is just as important for the people who help put an addict into treatment for the addicts themselves. It’s not easy to be around people who are constantly getting drunk or high, and it’s even more difficult to have to tell them they need help. Aftercare helps ease this transition by offering an excellent way of reconnecting with a person before they go home, whether in a treatment center or sober living house.
Types of Aftercare
Aftercare is not one-size-fits-all, which is why it’s so important to find what works for your needs. There are a variety of aftercare options, including:
Outpatient Therapy – involves seeking out cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), or interpersonal therapy. The purpose of these therapies is to help the addict develop appropriate responses to stressors and learn how to control their own emotions and thoughts.
Recovery Meetings – These are support groups where addicts and the people who love them can come together, share their struggles of living in sobriety and find useful ways of dealing with them.
Sober Living – These are places where addicts live independently and establish their identity in the sober community. The residents of these dwellings don’t share the same last name, so it’s easy for them to become part of a new family.
Support Groups – This is another way for addicts to connect with other people who live in recovery and overcome their struggles. Support groups are also a good way for addicts to feel supported by other people living a similar lifestyle. Also, although support groups are not therapy, they can provide an excellent way for a person to talk about their problems and receive practical advice from people who have been where they are now.
What Aftercare Can’t Do
Aftercare can’t take the place of therapy. It does not replace the recovery process and should not be considered to accelerate it. Aftercare is about providing support for a person going through a difficult time, just as therapy is about providing support for people experiencing emotional trauma or mental health issues. There are some other things that aftercare cannot do:
- Aftercare won’t make someone go out and drink or use drugs. It’s not a way to make everyone feel better and get rid of their problems.
- Aftercare won’t make someone go to one of the many detox facilities that exist. If a person is ready to start sobriety, they will get through it by themselves without needing any help.
- Aftercare cannot undo any damage that was done in the past. The only way to do this is with therapy and recovery meetings, which we covered above.
In conclusion, aftercare is essential for recovering addicts to continue to live in sobriety without falling into old habits. It’s important for everyone that’s been a part of the addict’s journey because it helps them get over their frustrations and begin to enjoy life again. Aftercare may not solve every issue or work for every person, but it gives people the opportunity to regain a sense of control. If you need any help, feel free to reach out, Our counselors are available 24 hours a day. Call 954-523-1167.