Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is one of many twelve-step groups that help people recover from substance abuse problems. AA’s recovery program includes steps people use to deal with the issues caused by their drinking. These steps include admitting you have a problem, asking God for help, and making amends to those harmed by your actions. Some people find that these steps work just fine without religion; others prefer to seek spiritual guidance along with their support network. Regardless of how you approach it, the 12 Steps are a powerful tool for recovering from addiction.
What are the 12 steps
The Twelve Steps are what makes Alcoholics Anonymous different from other 12-step programs. These steps outline the basic principles of AA. They include the following:
- We acknowledged that we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable.
- Believe that there is something bigger than you that could help you get back to normal.
- Decided to give up control of myself and my life to God.
- Make a searching and bold moral invention
- Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongdoings.
- We Were entirely ready to have God remove all these character defects.
- Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
- Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.
- Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
- Continued to take personal inventory and promptly admit it when we were wrong.
- Sought through prayer and meditation to know God’s plan for me and the strength to follow that plan.
- After having had a spiritual awakening as a direct consequence of following these guidelines, we tried to share this knowledge with alcoholics and to live by these principles in all our relationships.
The Purpose Of The 12 Steps
Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the most widely known 12-step recovery programs. Its core principle is simple: you don’t drink because you want to stop drinking; you stop drinking because you want to live. In AA, everyone starts as an alcoholic, and the goal is to help people recover from alcoholism. However, there are many ways to understand what it means to be an alcoholic. For example, some people believe that being an alcoholic is about having a problem with alcohol, while others think it is about being addicted to alcohol.
In addition to the 12 Steps, AA offers several other resources for those seeking recovery from alcoholism. These include meetings, workshops, and a variety of books written by AA members. Most of these forums provide information about how to recognize symptoms of alcoholism and how to cope with situations involving alcohol. AA uses the term “God as we understood him” rather than “a personal God.” This allows participants to use whatever words they prefer to understand God. Some people refer to God as “the Great Spirit,” “Higher Power,” or “Universal Mind”; others call God “Heavenly Father,” “Creator,” or “Father Divine.” Regardless of the name used, the purpose of the 12 Steps is the same: to allow individuals to find the strength to change their lives and move toward sobriety.
Applying the 12 Steps
The 12 Step program is based on the idea that everyone needs a support system to lead a healthy life. At a sober living home, we believe that the 12 steps offer a safe place for anyone struggling with addiction to receive the help needed to recover. Our programs include educational classes and peer groups; however, we realize that many people don’t know how to connect with others who struggle with addiction. This is why we provide sober support to those who want to learn more about the 12 steps and those who want to meet others in recovery. In conclusion, the 12-step program is not just a way to get sober; it’s also a way to stay sober. It provides a structure that helps people develop new habits and skills to deal with stress and anxiety. We hope you’ll consider joining us at straight living home, so call us today 954-523-1167, and we are more than ready to help you overcome your addiction!